Athens, 19th and 20th of May, 2011
Thursday 19th May
9 - 9.45 am:
Welcome, coffee and registration
Session 1:
General Considerations
Chair: Baris Bozkurt
9.45 - 10.30
Automatic Transcription: An Enabling Technology for Music Analysis
Simon Dixon, Queen Mary
University of London, UK
(Plenary sponsored by EURASIP)
10.30 - 11
Demands on signal processing algorithms for the analysis of traditional music
Andreas Holzapfel, INESC Porto,
11- 11.30
Coffee and cake
Session 2:
Eastern Mediterranean: Turkish
Music and Makams
Chair: Rafael Ramirez
11.30 - 12
Automatic Transcription for Makam Music in Turkey
Baris Bozkurt, IZMIR
Institute of Technology, Turkey
12 - 12.30
Some Concepts for Formal Models for Improvisational Processes in Modal Music of Turkey and Greece
Iannis Zannos, Ionian
University, Greece
12.30 - 1pm
Maqam Improvisation Analysis Based on an Integrated Modelling of Surface-Based and Culture-Dependent Rules
Olivier Lartillot and Mondher
Ayari, University of Jyvaskyla,
Finland, and IRCAM CNRS and
Univerity of Strasbourg, France
1 - 3
Lunch and coffee
3: Eastern Mediterranean: Greek
Chair: Sven Ahlback
3 - 3.30
Quantitative Investigation of Temporal Microdeviations in Traditional Greek Asymmetric Metres
K. Peninta, Emilios
Cambouropoulos & George
Papadelis, Aristotle University
Thessaloniki, Greece
3.30 - 4
Investigation of the performance of beat-tracking systems on traditional Greek asymmetric rhythms
Thanos Fouloulis and Emilios
Cambouropoulos, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki,
4 - 4.30
Mining Repeating Audio Patterns in Greek Folk Music
Aggelos Pikrakis, University
of Piraeus, Greece
4.30 - 5
Coffee and pies
Session 3
5 - 5.30
On the computational analysis of Cretan folk music
Christina Anagnostopoulou and
Darrell Conklin, University of
Athens, Greece, and University
of the Basque Country, Spain
5.30 - 6
Cultural Parameters of Melodic Similarity
Eleanor Selfridge-Field,
Stanford University, USA (Over
6 - 7
Disucssion of Day 1 (with
baklava and raki):
- Problems and challenges
related to computational FMA,
possible solutions.
- Future of FMA Workshops
Chair: Aggelos Pikrakis
Friday 20th May
9 - 9.30 Coffee and cake
4: European (western) musics
Chair: Emilios Cambouropoulos
9.30 - 10
Tracking asymmetrical beat patterns in Scandinavian Polskas
Sven Ahlback, Royal College
of Music, Stockholm, Sweden
10 - 10.30
On Finding and
Transcribing Bell Chiming
Recordings in Folk Music
Matija Marolt, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
10.30 - 11
An Integrated Analysis of Flamenco Music
Paco Gomez, Polytechnic
University of Madrid, Spain
11 - 11.30
Coffee and cake
Session 5:
Musics from further away
Chair: Paco Gomez
11.30 - 12
Violin Expression in
(Mexican) Huasteco Music
Rafael Ramirez, Pompeu
Fabra University, Spain
12 - 12.30
Tarsos - Automated Tone
Scale Extraction Applied to
African Oral Music Traditions
Joren Six and Olmo Cornelis,
University College Ghent,
12.30 - 3
Session 6:
Returning home
Chair: Matija Marolt
3 - 3.30
Modeling the Formulaic Structure of Modern Greek Church Chant Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Panayotis Mavromatis (New
York University, USA)
3.30 - 4.30
Discussion of Day 2: Summary of
the workshop, and ideas for
future collaboration
Chairs: Iannis Zannos, Christina
onwards: Informal discussions
and visit to the Ancient sites